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rob ford drunk

The act of getting intoxicated to the point of severe belligerence that you make terrible decisions i.e. Smoking crack cocaine

Stefan : I'm gonna go out and get rob ford drunk tonight

by Donkeypunch122 November 9, 2013

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The Rocky Ford Finisher

โ€œA sexual act, where the girl performs oral sex on you, and before you climax she runs up the stairs and your shoot her in the back with your load like a Rock Ford police officer.

โ€œDamn bro, Brad gave his girl the Rocky Ford finisher last night โ€œ

by WhiskeyFour February 22, 2023

doug ford rage

In the span of four years, Doug Ford has managed to fuck with a province so hard, that it's falling apart. Schools are a fucking nightmare, healthcare workers work their asses of for some claps from big man Ford, all while more Ontarians are slipping through the cracks. Doug Ford's government can be summed up as a clusterfuck. Thus, if you have rage over the state of affairs in our province, or just have rage in general, you can refer to this as doug ford rage. Add any member of his government: stan cho rage, sam oosterhoff rage, and you'll be ready to defeat these motherfuckers in the next provincial election.

When Doug Ford said he was "for the people" I smashed my television in a fit of doug ford rage.

by neeeeemooooooo May 6, 2022

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Ford derangement syndrome

The denial that President Gerald Ford invented the automobile.

Commies typically suffer from Ford derangement syndrome due to their hate for America, freedom, capitalism and poor education. They share similar qualities to Ben Franklin deniers.

by America, F yeah!!! April 27, 2022

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Ford Mustang SVT

Notorious monster that eats import trash

that Ford Mustang SVT will eat those rice burners

by codewiz May 12, 2003

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Ford Middle School

Mr.David works for the FBI. Also the Aux gym is the best one.

Ford Middle School most likely has the highest suspension/ expulsion rate because of vaping.

by Toe gloves October 16, 2019

Betty ford floater

An extra shoot of liquor on top of his/her cocktail

She asked for a betty Ford floater over her Margarita

by djfdbf September 3, 2017