A pose in which a man or woman will show off his chest and arms from a side on position. The side chest can only be made majestic through years of practice.
Joel Davies just posted the most majestic side chest photo
Referring to someone’s nanny’s chest hair you would usually use this sentence in an insult or just at random.
Bella and Nia: How do u say this?
Lola and Eva: UR NANS CHEST HAIR!!!!!
Usually when somone says something weird or does something weird or bad others will say ‘chest’ or ‘my chest’ or ‘serious chest afterwards’ or ‘ahhhh My Chwest’
It is also used my african parents, mostly Nigerians, when their kids do somthing bad.
‘Two people roasting each other’
Person number 1: Rahh youre so ugly
Person number 2: oya, Thats why your Mom died
‘Everyone else’: Serious Chest
When a dick reaches so far down a persons throat it reaches there chest
"Dude she went so deep she was literally Shallow Chesting."
when someone with big flappy titties has something caught between their titties.
Hey man can I borrow your cellphone? No sandwich chest!