owns a few chickens, gives zero fucks, has a hit list
Collin let me hold his chicken yesterday!
A fucking asshole math teacher that has no neck and is in love with a music teacher(mr.cancellara) and only talks about his fucking daughter who I feel bad for cause her dad is Collin and also can’t teach for jack shit and calls out people for smiling when that’s person is always smiling
Person#1: eww look it’s collin he’s still talking about his daughter
Person#2:ya he still is I’m surprised he even has a wife
A Racist Weeaboo That Cries ALOT And Gets Beat Up By Black Kids
“Dude did you hear Collin got beat up by black kids again”
me: “i just got played by an f-boy playaa
person: “ yikes, must be a collin”
Has the biggest cack. It's bigger than Mahki's, and he's BLACK!
A short person, usually a transgender male. Often can be found in special education classes, Collins are very good at hiding as most people cannot see them due to their height.
Australian 1: CRIKEY, I almost caught me a wild Collin!
Australian 2: No way! Those things are nearly invisible!