Source Code

Thomas The Tank Engine

Definition 1:
A mech out to help all beings he has taken down Thanos in a 1V1 match

Definition 2:
To scream “CHUGGA, CHUGGA, CHOO CHOO” as you drool into your girlfriends boobs and shake your head like a dog

“He is such a Thomas The Tank Engine

“Did you hear he did the Thomas The Tank Engine last night”

by SpedFromAnotherShed October 17, 2019

18👍 8👎

manufacturing engineer

An engineering degree bestowed upon individuals who cannot complete serious engineering subjects such as mathematics and physics. Typically labeled an engineering half-wit, these engineers often assume roles where technical expertise and competence are not required.

More manufacturing engineers are graduating today than ever before due to the steady degradation of minimum standards within that discipline.

by A Real Engineer October 20, 2013

2👍 12👎

African American engineered

nigger rigged

I broke that bolt so I used zip ties to african american engineered it.

by Turd Furgurgus August 30, 2008

38👍 22👎

Internal Combustion Engine

Its an engine you moron

"Thats an internal Combustion Engine"

by Nelsy fellow February 20, 2021

7👍 1👎

Grilled Cheese Engine

When your engine is shot because you have tried to cook grilled cheese in the furnace you use to boost your car in a post apocalyptic world. And then you pull it out and throw it in a lake because it fucked up your engine. From the movie Double Dragon starring Robert Patrick and Mark Dacascos.

Awwwww, Grilled Cheese engine!

by Kogo Shuko June 30, 2010

6👍 1👎

Rat Engine

One who is fearful of others stealing their job. A person who needs to gain information about a coworker in order to

a.use it against them
c.stroke their ego by knowing anything and everything.

Often times they're seen removing their glasses in an effort to look busy and/or important, carrying paperwork and walking briskly as if they're in a hurry.

They will usually preface their response to the question "how's it going" with a large 'sigh' or 'exhale' and will continue walking past and turn slightly in your direction spewing 'work jargon' at you in an effort to seem extra busy.

"uh oh, Rat Engine is coming, QUICK HIDE"

"Rat Engine tried to make me look bad in front of my supervisor today."

by Chill-OOT August 13, 2008

1👍 4👎

breaker engineer

0: a poor soul who once thought that his/her engineering degree would lead to personal fulfillment and worldly riches; but is now trapped in a dead-end, white-collar industrial job

1:a glorified grease monkey with an engineering degree that does useless paperwork all day.

2: the nuclear plant equivalent to calling a McDonald's employee a "Culinary Logistics Engineer"

2:an overpaid, white-collar mechanic that is unworthy of the honorable 'engineer' title

3:a sucker who worked hard in college to earn a degree in electrical engineering; who now spends his days wishing he knew how to juggle and swallow fire so that he could join the circus

Young Child: Mommy...is that poorly dressed man a bum?

Mother: No honey, that's not a bum...that's just a breaker engineer.

by breaker engineer September 9, 2008

1👍 4👎