When you and your partner don't clean up fast enough after a sexual encounter.
She didn't give me a towel and sent me home with a forest full of cheese cookies.
The sweetest sexiest amazing girl ever generally is always the only person in the world that will teach a heartless person to fall in love w over and over and over again. He has always and will always love cookietoes.
Cookie toes is amazing
When your co worker Mike decided to Yeet cookies at a container
Mike picked up the tin and shook it , then he proceeded to Yeet it, that cookie tosser
Vigina Cookie
/vēgina kōokie/
1. A Cookie that is produced by the use of ingredients or products of a vigina.
Synonym: cookie, vigina
1. Someone who has the characteristics of a vigina and is small and soft like a cookie.
Synonyms: cheese, chafe, tube
Dude, he looks like a vagina cookie today.
Kumiho Cookie is a character in both Ovenbreak and Kingdom.
She has a fox form and is a “marshmallow” in disguise of a cookie.
Person A: Yo! Have you gotten Kumiho Cookie yet?
Person B: Nope! But I’ve gotten her soulstones!
Person C: I got her in a 1 pull!
Cape Cookie is a term for astronaut groupies in the 1960s that often found their way in the the beds of said astronauts.
Gordo: Hey Al, what happened with you and that Cape Cookie that you took back to your room last night?
Al: I showed her how to land my rocket.
cookie in cookie run: ovenbreak and cookie run: kingdom blah blah blah best s/o ever
"i love vampire cookie"
"omg so do i"