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A Pointless Thing In Which I Am Currently Feeling No Pleasure , But If You Look Deep Enough You Can Decide You Have A Point In Life.That Is What Ever You Want , But You Must Trust Inn It.

life is the one thing in which we survive

by wazzatheemo March 5, 2007

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


We are blessed life gives us many choices. These choices can vary from where you live, your career, to your attitude.

What type of attitude do you have?

Are you a thumbs up person when you see a post that inspires you?

Or are you a person who is constantly clicking the thumbs down? Instead of clicking a thumbs down, you always have the option to do nothing … just continuing to scroll.

How would you look at your life? Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Maybe there is a correlation there… change your thumb/ attitude and you may be surprised to see the outcome:)

by U know my ❀️4u February 26, 2023

28πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

hoe life or no life

You are a hoe hoeing around and just being stupid then a motherfucker but then you just really need to stop with this

Melissa: hoe life or no life

Me: stop that's not cool
Melissa: you have no life

by Hoe life or no life March 17, 2017

32πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Deranged from the word "lifer", a term used by Marines when someone who is very tenative to the rules and regulations comes up to you and corrects a defficiency. An action by which someone comes up and tells you to tuck your shirt in, get a haircut, asks you if you shaved today, asks you when the last time you washed your uniform. Anyone who cares about the preservation of the Corps can "Life" someone.

"Hey Devil Dog! I know we aren't walking and smoking!"
"Shit...that guy has nothing better to do than walk around lifeing people."

by BadMofoMuzz August 15, 2008

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Proper noun; the entity that is responsible for every series of events that leads to a person's misfortune; Life often arranges for something bad or inconvient to occur precisely when you least expect it, can least afford, or when everything is going perfectly; often leads to HOL followed by DSB

"Life... that bitch got me again."

"Oh Life, you win this time."

"I just paid off my Malibu mansion, new Maserati, and then all of a sudden "BAM!" Life strikes again. I caught my girlfriend being fingercuffed."

by Jacob Bl June 4, 2007

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

For Life

An expression started in Florianopolis, Brazil by the porrones. Its a isolated frase with not know combination before or after and it is used:

1)to admit that a pointis so good it can't be disproved/topped

2)when someone has said a good comeback line and it can't be topped

3)to respond to any Lady Gaga reference

A: The latest Black Eye Peas album is so good it will change the decade top charts
B: For Life

A: hey you should fix your hair before coming to the office you look terrible
B: at least I’m not bald as you

A: For Life


A: I just purchased the new Lady Gaga album
B: For Life

A: Have you heard about the new trend of metrosexuals, they are the Gagasexuals
B: For Life

by th00r April 16, 2010

10πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Complete shit

Peter:How’s you life going jimmy?

Jimmy: complete shit Peter you fucking idiot

by Propwrty April 21, 2020

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž