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Niggaz be like

"Niggas say"
Shit that real niggaz be sayin'

Niggaz be like: I throw up gang signs

by Lifs October 4, 2023

Like Lurker

Someone who only likes comments on a wall post, rather than the actual wall post itself, and contributes nothing to the conversation.

Gee John, it was good you were liking my comments on that facebook argument I was having, but I wish you had backed me up too! You're such a Like Lurker.

by Aubergine Fox October 16, 2011

Like Loop

When two people become locked into a Facebook comment conversation with each person liking their opposite's posts.

They are the most pointless and frustrating natural phenomena on Facebook, but are impossible to exit due to the awkwardness that would ensue.

(On Facebook wall)

Josh: Man, you are such a like whore! (Suraj likes this)

Suraj: Which one? (Josh likes this)

Josh: The first one of course :P (Suraj likes this)

Suraj: LOL! (Josh likes this)

God: Jesus, these guys are in a 'Like Loop'. There's no hope.

by James Tearle December 14, 2011

get to liking it

A term used by someone who has the upper hand in a situation that he or she has imposed on another person or group.

Something that is less than ideal, and often not merely temporary.

You better get to liking it you bastard, because I have a lot more where that came from!
Don't like the way I drive? Get to liking it or walk, bitch.

by Elapsetime June 26, 2013

sympathy like

A " like" on a friend's facebook post that's getting no play from anyone else

I gave Karen's post about how funny her kids are a sympathy like

by bmilligan05 February 20, 2015

Like Opera

That unfortunate moment when a reasonably ordinary post you've liked on Facebook turns into all out drama, much like a TV soap opera.

Brad: Dude, what was that on Facebook last night?

Jen: God, who knows? One minute, I was liking Carly's post on how great it is to see her nephew with his dad, and the next minute his ex and her current and his bro and the whole damn world were having their say. It was a total Like Opera.

by Jae Em March 12, 2013

like a puma

A phrase usually meaning awesome or sexy. Can be used for anything, though.

That boy is sexy.
For real, like a puma.

by Nikki January 31, 2004