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new jersey

East Coast State. Lots of stereotypes are false about this state just like there are false stereotypes about your state.
- Capital is Trenton
- Three regions, North, South, Central
- We DON'T say Joisey, we say Jurzee
- Depending on where you live you are either close to NYC or Philly
- Lots of rich suburbs, ghetto cities, and beach towns
- The beaches aren't dirty, they are actually clean and have some of the biggest waves I have ever seen
- People are really into sports, football, soccer, lax, etc.
- Lots of hot girls and a lot of ugly ones too.
- It does not smell. If you think it does you obviously have been on outskirts with lots of factories which doesn't smell that bad anyway.
- We have lots of pizza shops, bagel stores, and malls.
- Most people in Jersey have respect for New York and Pennsylvania. We aren't trying to compete with them, we enjoy there large cities and they enjoy our beaches, fare trade off.
- Trenton, Newark, Camden, and Patterson are considered "Ghetto". It doesn't mean you are going to get shot for walking it just means don't be retarded, say the n word, or start shit with people.
- Most people are either Philly Eagle Fans or NY Giants fan
- A lot of people move here for our schools (good public schools and private schools as well).
- We have; irish, jews, blacks, italians, mexicans, pueroricans, hindus, muslims etc. We are a very diverse state
- We are a Northeast state
- A lot of people here falsey stereotype the south as dumb. I realize that Southnern people are for the most part just as smart.
- There are some really good and bad drivers. Honestly the bad ones are Asians, Indians, Old people, and women.
- We are short tempered but funny people.
- We have some celeberties that were born here.
- Right now we have a population of about 10 million.
- We know we are small but we are STRONG

Jersey may not be the richest, or have the biggest cities but it's my home. I love it here and so will you if you give it a chance. No one says Joisey. From North Jersey, down to South, and back up again to Central we are strong. We love were we live and wouldn't trade it for the world.

by Jersey Kid November 2, 2007

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New Springville

Where the guidoes are born. Where the typical waspoids reside. Home of the Staten Island Mall. Also where all the rapists, pedophiles, and molesters creep around. So fucking boring.

Nick- "Yoo nigga when we be chillen tonight?"
David- "Definitely not in new springville yo, boring as fuck!!"

by rocker3250 October 16, 2009

224๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Jersey

The state with the cheapest gas in the country.. and we don't even have that 'self-serve' shit.

If that's not a good example of one of the many reasons NJ is a really good state... I don't know what is.

Oh and. By the way. We are -not- all Italian, even in South Jersey.

New Jersey's Regular Unleaded gas Price is like.. what? $2.79? Compared to.. what, over $3 in NY?


by Calypsion June 8, 2006

136๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Mommy

A woman who, upon being married, takes on the responsibilities of mother for her husband. She will allow him to be slovenly and not have a job, just as long as he remains in the house. If the husband leaves the house, the New Mommy will call repeatedly to check on him and make sure he knows when he's expected home; to the point of where it makes the husband and his friends uncomfortable. If the husband has friends over, she becomes irate and antisocial to the point where the friends are no longer comfortable staying.

Ultimately, she achieves an unhealthy, but very effective control over her "husband."

You think Tim would wanna go grab a beer?

Dunno, he'll have to check with his New Mommy.

by Rick the Nature Boy April 17, 2008

39๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

fox news

A news channel for Republicans to get a hard on.

Fox News: We Report, Bill OReilly Decides.

by AcneBrain September 14, 2004

669๐Ÿ‘ 341๐Ÿ‘Ž

New Jerseyan

A person who lives in the state of New Jersey; A person who lives in the greatest state ever.

That girl's so hot, she must be a New Jerseyan.

by nailzz April 5, 2010

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New Fallujah

Nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh said that a November 19 brawl that broke out during a National Basketball Association (NBA) game was "hip-hop culture on parade." Limbaugh asserted that the fight -- which involved Indiana Pacers team members and Detroit Pistons team members and fans -- was "gang behavior on parade minus the guns," and that NBA uniforms are "now in gang colors. They are in gang styles." In making the comments, Limbaugh conceded that his remarks were likely to be "tagged as racist." Limbaugh also appeared to compare the brawl to the unrest in Fallujah, Iraq, suggesting that Detroit be renamed "New Fallujah, Michigan."

LIMBAUGH: "You look at NBA players and the uniforms, you don't have to go back very far. The uniforms have changed totally. They're now in gang colors. They are in gang styles...This is the hip-hop culture on parade. This is gang behavior on parade minus the guns. That's the culture that the NBA has become. So if anybody will be honest with you about it in the NBA, and a very few will have the courage to, because saying what I just said is going to be tagged as racist, but I, my friends, am fearless when it comes to this because the truth will out, and that's what's happening here, and part and parcel of this gang culture, this hip-hop culture, is: 'I'm not going to tolerate being dissed.'"

CALLER: "This is not a new thing with the Piston fans."

LIMBAUGH: "I know. That's why I say call it 'New Fallujah, Michigan.'"

by Rush Limbaugh is a genius! December 1, 2004

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