Source Code

Bus Syndrome

Bus syndrome is a condition where you can only get on a number one bus. You cannot laugh or smile and can have no emotion in your voice. You stare blankely at everyone and feel pain anytime someone touches you. If someone clicks in front of your face it could be fatal!

"Oh look, that poor girl has bus syndrome!"

by korkeeCAKES!!! September 12, 2008

9👍 4👎

Lads on a bus

A group of absolute mad lads and roadmen who constantly want to beat the shit out of everything. They tend to act like they own the bus and love to talk about shagging. They are not the type of people you would want to mess with.

Person 1: Wow, those scary people look like they own the bus!

Person 2: Yeah, they're Lads on a bus.

by Mad Laddo December 19, 2019

Bus massage

The massage you get from the tall person behind you on the bus who digs their knees into the back of your chair.

"Got a really nice bus massage today from the guy sitting behind me. The best part it only cost the $3 bus fare."

by Spamalot1239 September 7, 2017

Spool Bus

A sleeper car built out a large truck, van, or SUV. Spool refers to a Turbocharger, the power adder modification most of these vehicles use.

Ferrari: ha, look at the slow-ass Tahoe
Tahoe: *is fast as fuck*
Ferrari: WTF, must be a spool bus

by icantthinkofausername777 May 1, 2019

Bus Balls

A painful ache in the balls, scrotum, nads, testes resulting from the numerous, annoying, and nut shaking bounces from the terrible suspension on buses, mostly school buses. The yellow pieces of shit that have fucking logs as suspension.

Also, yet popularly results as an erection with the ache. So when you exit the bus you have a raging boner to flaunt as you walk past all the other passengers.

Vick: *Stirs around awfully as my places his backpack over his lap to hide his erection*

Jeremy: Yo, what the hell is up with you today? Bus balls?

*Bus stops, Vic nods as he stands up with a large boner and walks out of the bus past all of the other passengers.*

by I4N February 23, 2014

Bus Legs

leg strength that allows you to remain in one spot while standing on a public bus, and avoid possible falls or injuries during sudden stops or turns

lack of Bus Legs may result in a loss of footing while holding the rail and accidentally giving a stranger a lap dance

*Bryan falls on stranger's lap*

"Bryan, where are YOUR bus legs at?!"

by vnb3 April 3, 2014

charter bus

A guy hoe. Usually multiple girls have rode him.

Don't date him. I hear he's such a charter bus!

by Jenny1576 December 5, 2016