A bait person is someone in which, is mainly known by a lot of people that they do not know and also know a lot of people. They are often hot topics on social networking sites, amongst the younger generation, and in general conversation. They get a lot of likes on posts and pictures. They are often good looking and have many fake friends who hang around with them to be bait. Bait people are often the ones that can provide entertainment for others.
Bait people often try to 'ghost' or be 'anti-social' to hide their business, as pressure gets too much for them.
Bait people: Ricky (Mr.Carribean) , Reece Jones, Khristen McDermoth, Jerimiah Eduardo, Loco Carzino, Sam Vernage, Theresa Victor, Marcus Eyez, Wavey Nbester ect.
19๐ 8๐
Originated circa early May, 2006 by one lone idiot from Concord, NH while down in Boston for the Red Sox game.
Despite the common stereotype that those living in New Hampshire, or "the south of the North", are NASCAR fans and rednecks, it has been brought to our attention that New Hampshire residents like to be referred to as tree people, meaning that they are people who find their dwellings in trees.
Girl: "So where are you from?"
Idiot: "New Hampshire"
Girl: "Oh, aren't you all NASCAR fans and rednecks?"
Idiot: "Actually, we like to be referred to as TREE PEOPLE!"
29๐ 14๐
1: A hypothetical race used when the issue of racism is discussed. Proponents of this usage figure there are no people with purple skin, and figure it is safe to use.
2: People who love the color purple and purple things, often in an extreme fashion.
3: People born with Purple skin, usually of an alien race.
1: "I don't care if our president is Black, White, Purple, or even Green."
"I tend not to be racist, but I must draw the line at Purple people."
2: Jennifer is such a purple person! She eats purple food, has purple hair, wears purple clothes, and likes purple unicorns. Rumor has it that even her feces is purple.
3: I had some purple people move in beside me. They were good people. They always parked their spaceship properly, kept their tentacles braided neatly, kept their alien plants watered, and mostly kept to themselves.
56๐ 31๐
Gothic people are the best social group, unlike those popular people who hates different people and are always self centered. Gothic people are mostly people who dress up in dark colors and look, maybe act, all dark and mysterious.
Gothic people ARE NOT EMO!!! Emos are complete opposites.
Anyone who hates Gothic people are sick and should be laughed at.
Technically, Gothic means "dark" and "mysterious" not "sad" and "lonely"
Gothic People are happy, unlike Emos who should wear white so everyone won't confuse them.
79๐ 47๐
One of the more common races in the world, especially in Europe and North America. White people are often the center of jokes, just as all races are, but more commonly they are thought of as rapists, pillagers, and the creators of stereotypes. This simply isn't true. All races fall under this "definition." In fact, the thought that whites think of everyone else inferior is a stereotype in and of itself.
All races pillage. All races rape. All races make fun of other races. Just look at the other definitions for White Person on this site. Little to none are good, and the majority tell of a devilish race that take advantage and destroy other races, when this is something that all races and ethnicities do. The fact that the whites are being solely blamed for it is stupid. It's a group effort.
And besides, it isn't even the races themselves, it's the people. Humanity is making the decisions. You are making the decisions. If one white person kills one black person, does that mean that all white people are black-killers. Same for Hispanic and Asian. Etc, etc. It isn't white people, it's all people.
Person 1: Hey look over there! That person is white. Stay away.
Person 2: He's just a white man. White people are one of the most common races in Europe and North America. He won't do anything bad just because he is white.
367๐ 253๐
children. grow the fuck up. gothic people are rather intelligent human beings and no, they dont slit their wrists. you're getting that confused with emo;another one of the generic, unecessary subcultures that people make up to feel loved in their crowd of look-a-likes.
loser in a pink industrie collared shirt #1 - hey, dawg, check out those gothic people, lets pay them out and call them rank because we have small penises and only sluts with morcroscopic t-shirts dig us.
loser in a pink industrie collared t-shirt #2 - yeah word bro, theyre obviously satanic. i bet they drink cats blood. and stuff.
intelligent gothic person - ............... if you were a guy i'd punch you. i'd punch you right in the mouth.
247๐ 167๐
every english person is different, whether they're arrogant arseholes or good- hearted people. They're not smug or full of themselves, just proud to be part of a nation that has made a contribution (be it good or bad) to the world.
the weather kind of sucks and no don't hate all americans just pathetic ones who think they own the world and everything in it. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THAT IS EVERY AMERICAN!!
Strong people who constantly put up with the prejudice views of other nations but still think good of them.
Famous for comedy and fish n chips and beer. Famous for james bond and the queen and will shakespeare and cups of tea :D
Tip: english people are english, not british. there is a difference!!! xoxo
'english people are from england. scottish are from scotland. irish people are from ireland. welsh people are from wales. these are all different!'
146๐ 93๐