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Kardashian Politics

The practice of caring about D list celebrities who have no talent and contribute nothing to society.

Suzy was rehashing Kardashian Politics to Jane.

by genconex September 11, 2018

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political buzz

the constant talk, punditry, predictions, forecasting, analysis - many times ad-nauseum - surrounding politicians and political ideas.

The political buzz surrounding the 2008 election included everything from wild predictions to over-analysis.

by aryadne July 31, 2010

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polite laughter

The act of laughing in an encouraging demeanor.

Tyler let put some polite laughter when Kenzie choked on the water as she took a hit of the gravity bong.

by GlunkleBrooks February 25, 2016

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political siding

A person's choice of whether to be a republican, democrat, or neither.

Used instead of "political party", because, for example, I am not with a political PARTY or GROUP. I am just choosing what kind of side I like.

"I choose to be neither, but it appears as though I lean more toward republican beliefs, such as business, religion, and most of all, guns. ^-^ "

by Dave March 26, 2004

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politically conscious

Political consciousness describes a person's awareness of politics. An authentic consciousness is linked to understanding one's true position in history and the effects they can make to promote their personal agenda. Those who are politically conscious always go to the polls on voting day.

Those who use Fox as their primary news source will never be politically conscious for reasons beyond their comprehension.

by Bad C dev March 3, 2021

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American Politics

An aptly named game in which two or more boys or men stand over a bucket and competitively masturbate until all but one get something out. The last man standing is forced to drink the others' discharge.

Kid 1: Did you hear what happened last night? Jack, Eddie, and Phil got around a bucket and played American Politics! I know, disgusting, right! Eddie was the loser . . . but I heard he didn't mind.
Kid 2: Whoa! How did you know about that?
Kid 1: I was there.
Kid 2: I'll be going now.

by RamRancher20 October 19, 2019

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Sitting politely

When your cat sits with their front legs crossed.

My cat has such great manners. Look at her there, sitting politely.

by SyriusFerreal June 19, 2019

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