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saying the alpha-bet

To announce the highest bet among a group of bets.

When we play Poker, John likes to raise the stakes by saying the alpha-bet.

by zeus64 March 28, 2011

Sathya Sai Baba

A spiritual guru currently residing in India, considered by many to be God in human form, not only by Indians but by persons living in almost every country in the world. His main message is to love and serve others and that all religions are just different paths to the one true God.
A longer explanation is given here Sai

"Sathya Sai Baba is an inspiration to us all"

by Divine Love November 4, 2009

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Say dat doe

Basically agreeing to or in agreeance with, kinda like saying "amen brutha!"

Slang for "Say that though"

Guy: "Damn, she's fine, lemme tap!"

Friend: "Say dat doeee!"

by Diggy Simmons December 28, 2011

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y'know what they say

short version of "you know what they say"
(This phrase however is said with nothing after it)

Ted:"y'know what they say"
Bonkle: "what do they say?"
Ted: "uhhh" *scratches his temple*
Bobkle: "wtf why did you scratch me?"
Ted: ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

by slasi April 5, 2021

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Cunty thing to say

A good example would be saying "I don't owe you anything." when there was no context implying the person (s) involved implied as such the implication is unwarranted.

For no reason that bitch said "I don't owe you shit" What a cunty thing to say

by insanegod October 7, 2018

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Says the man in the bathrobe

Can be used as a substitute for "Thats what she said." in situations where a statement was made with a sexual double entendre.

Rob- "Man, I'm really having a hard time fitting this in here!"
Phil- " Says the man in the bathrobe!"

by Frosticles13 April 30, 2011

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If you say so

If you're annoyed or angry with whoever you're talking to it basically means whatever, just get the hell out of your face, shuttup, and leave you the fuck alone.
If you're not mad it means: Ok, sure I'll go along with that; or I'll do it later.
Can also be used with affection to a loved family member in place of "I love you too," in some cases.

Ex. 1
Teen: (goes downstairs to get a snack and drink)
Grandmother: (limps in with cane) It's your day to clean the kitchen
Teen: (in an indifferent tone) If you say so (goes upstairs with snack and drink and continues to play on computer)
Teen: (thinking to self) I can't stand that bitch, she gets on my fuckin' nerves! She needs to turn on the damn air conditioning cuz it feels like a sauna up in dis bitch!
Grandmother: (downstairs in kitchen)(limping slowly with cane to get a drink)

Ex. 2
(daughter and father finishing a phone conversation)
Daughter: What are we doing when you get off work?
Father: I don't know sweetheart, probably nothing (obviously kidding). I have to go now, I have a customer that I need to get back to. I love you.
Daughter: Daad come on!
Father: I have to go now, I'll call you back later. Bye, I love you, and I'll see you when I get home.
Daughter: If you say so, bye! (hangs up phone and continues to watch TV)

by Qu33n0fH3@rt$ July 20, 2008

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