A thick creamy bitter Sweet medicinal mixture of freshly squeezed breast milk and ejaculated semen, which is then blended together and stored at room temperature until it sours, that has been proven to stop chronic complaining by inducing vomiting followed by hysterical laughter. It can be taken orally or used as a skin cream.
Side effects may include frequent urination, vomiting, highly contagious rashes, itchy skin lesions, blindness or blurred vision if it makes direct contact with the eyes, and pregnancy if misused as a vaginal suppository.
The lines for the complaint departments have become so backed up we've had to switch from sympathizing or trying to resolve issues, to administering large doses of a cumplain shake.
v.t. to "mainline" low grade black tar heroin, usually in the men's room of a trainstaion with ditry toilet water
"dude, some asshole was shaking murphi in there." -or- "umm. . . . lets pawn the T.V. . . . . . so we can shake some more murphi."
The act of masturbation.
Originates from having FaceTime sex and the camera shaking with the motion.
“Me and X shook the camera last night”
“When did you last shake the camera?”
Pretending to work. Akin to jerking off.
Johnny-How was work?
Eileen-It was bullshit, all I had to do was shake the mouse once in a while.
Violent tremor that occurs prior to sipping Miso Soup from a Miso Soup spoon.
After a long night of moleing, Jacc had the miso shakes at Shinju Sushi.
shite, the miso shake made me spill my soup on my new dungarees.
the awkward phenomenon that occurs when saying bye to your friends' friend who you just met and not knowing whether to go in for the hug too or just the handshake.
After meeting/saying good bye to Mary, I went to give her a hug, she went for a handshake. We successfully completed a hug-shake.
A Sexual Activity Invoving A Female And A Male. The Male Sticks His Finger Up The Females Vagina While The Female Gives The Male A Handjob.
. . . That's Just Gross. I'm NOT Giving An Example, As I Would Have To TYPE That :S. Shake And Poke