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happy spot

a happy spot refers to the genital area of a man or woman.

"i was all up in that chicks happy spot last night"

by Josh Curtis October 15, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Da Spot

A parking spot in the eastern most area of Willow K where a bunch of geeks met up in and around the year of '97 to decide what they were going to do. They usually just drove around, went to a restaraunt or hung out at Swan Lake.

Jason: "Hey Dude, what do you wanna do tonight?"

JC: "let's just meet up at Da Spot or something."

by ThE LaTe JC April 13, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


An amorphous time traveling entity which lodges itself in the vaginal cavity of a select few women. When stroked, the alien, who goes by "Glaxckniod" (Though its real name is unpronounceable by the human tongue) will, as a defense mechanism, release great amounts of flesh eating acid and mind control spores into your skin. Hence females' screaming when this spot is hit - immense pain from tissue dissolving acid. In short, do not seek out this dangerous galactic pitstop within your girlfriend's minge unless using proper safety gear (hazmat suit, three-foot dildo, etc.).

"Jane felt something tingle in her nether regions, but by then it was too late. Glaxcknoid had awoken within her womb and was releasing acidic spores by the ounce, dribbling down Stan's fingers and searing through to his bone, melting his finger in a Stew of liquid teenager. In minor seconds the pain caused Jane to bite down as hard as she could, shattering her teeth and severing the tip of her tongue, causing blood to pour from her eyes, nose, and mouth simultaneously. Shortly after, Stan went into chemical shock and collapsed, flailing, on the bedroom floor." (This reenactment brought to you by the American Christian Innocence Group.)

by SnakeCharmer August 14, 2005

116๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž

spot a goth

looking for a goth in a goth venue (:

"I SPOT A GOTH" "where?!" "Over there by the entrance to the goth weekend in whitby" "yes, i can see her now (: well done, good goth spotting."

by laura++antonia June 11, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place at Western Boone Junior Senior High School where the boys in either Cross Country or Track season, go to hide from their coach when they don't want to run.

Caden: "I don't feel like running today, maybe I should go hide in the G-Spot again."
Anthony: "I will make it my life's goal to find the G-Spot and get you into trouble."

by 115Cal October 5, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Skeet Spot

The spot located between one's ribs or underneath ones arm pits. When stimulated, can cause jittering motions and/or seizures. Some are immune to the skeet spot. Poking them in their skeet spot only produces a pain in the ribs, whereupon they will msot likely knock you out. If someone is affected by stimulating their skeet spot, it can be a very effective way to make a fool out of someone or escape capture by the police.

Can also be used as a battle cry.

"Dylan hooded me yesterday so I got him in his skeet spot and he started to have a seizure on the bus."


by Mr. Fields May 13, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

g spot

A spot on the female anatomy in the vaginal area denoted as the "G" Spot because it's the spot that makes women feel really "GOOD"!

She went crazy when he finally hit her g spot !

by Allen W February 28, 2007

177๐Ÿ‘ 304๐Ÿ‘Ž