A stronger kind of squeeze applied to the exterior of a crisps packet, when you REALLY want someone to withdraw their hand out of it. Only works if packet belongs to you. Preceded by Gentle squeeze, and only used if it fails to achieve required effect.
Bing: (While making smalltalk) *Inserts hand into Bha's crisps packet*
Bha: (While listening or replying to smalltalk) *Performs Gentle squeeze)*
Bing: *Continues to fish for crisps in Bha's packet*
Bha: *Performs Strong squeeze*
Bing: *Withdraws hand*
Squeezed Play is when your the one sitting in the middle on the couch and get mashed inbetween two fat people.
squeezed play fat middle mashed sitting couch inbetween Squeezed Play
- the process where one inhales too quick, that his lungs begin to constrict rather than expand, Therefore leaving that person wheezing and coughing for air.
"Be careful when you kill it. Don't hit it too fast and get squeeze lungs."
The act of procrastination by jerking off.
How come this floor isn't clean?
Because James was out back
"Squeezing ween".
A female whose beauty can not be measured due to how hot they are. This beauty is typically defined by sexual characteristics and is thought to only exist in certain areas, but most will say it’s a mythical creature or fantasy.
I spotted the ultimate squeeze at the University of Tennessee.
The ultimate squeeze does not exist lower your standards.
Frozen kool-aid or fruit juice in a plastic or styrofoam cup, usually sold by the local candy lady in the neighborhood.
Mike: I'm going to the candy lady house to get a pineapple squeeze cup !
Red: Okay, bring me a pineapple squeeze cup and two pickle eggs.
The occurrence when a person sneezes and ejaculates at the same time.
Did you just sneeze and squeeze?
Yeah, bro my pants are messed up.