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Sweaty grandma

Its technically a milf but older with sweaty boobs

Hey girl your lookin like a sweaty grandma

by Quadaledinglescum June 11, 2022

sweaty connector

The skin between a dudes balls and his asshole on a hot day. The skin connecting the two.

“ Dude, it’s so damn humid today. I shouldn’t have worn jeans. I’ve had a sweaty connector since I got to work.”

That slut Nikki was a nasty bitch. She sucked my balls & licked my sweaty connector before she even got to my asshole ! “

by ORAL B April 7, 2021

Sweaty wrecking ball.

The act where a man has anal sex whith a woman in a room with a high teperature where with each thrust his sack hits her vagina with great force.

Oh yeah hit me with your "sweaty wrecking ball."

by Michael Colreone July 27, 2011

sweaty neb

Short for 'sweaty neblar'
an idiot, moron, slacker, general loser, lazy, pleb

"She was such a sweaty neb, she couldn't find Paris on a map of Paris."

by anteater June 5, 2013

Sweaty Sven

Sven is real Sweaty on god.

Look there its puring down from Sweaty Sven

by fortnitekungen69420 December 11, 2023

Sweaty Texan

when a sweaty 60 year old texasman sucks your dick wearing an fbi jacket and lubes you up with his glowing sweat

A Sweaty Texan is when a sweaty 60 year old texasman sucks your dick wearing an fbi jacket and lubes you up with his glowing sweat

by Sweaty Sean 1488 September 30, 2022

Sweaty Hannah Jones

The sexual act of getting choked, and tossing money around at the same time

Dude that girl's a total freak, she made me do the sweaty Hannah Jones to her last night

by Lubemytube December 14, 2018