When a girl (who is secretly a guy) starts scissoring another girl (who’s also secretly a guy,) and they both try to surprise penetrate at the same time but the cocks just end up bouncing off each other.
So I tried to fuck this chick but turns out it was a guy, so we just ended it in a French Sword Fight.
When you're a feking weirdo by nature and wanna hit Trump with a big ole elephant to save America
Squishy let's eat Trump with elephants for swords!
Imma name my band that you dork lols
One of the rarest swords ever made. Only a few were made in the world. It is one of the deadliest swords, and that is why people stopped creating them.
"Wait Jim is that a pork sword? It is so massive."
"Thanks Matt, it's been in the family for many generations."
When a Mormon boy fucks the crease of your knees to stay sexually pure in the eyes of God (Kneephi).
I showed her Nephi’s sword last night.
It is a sexual encounter where you get stabbed in the back as they also penetrate your anus with their penis
Becky ended up in the hospital due to preforming Death by swords.