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Sexist Teacher

Example: Mrs Calver is a sexist teacher towards men. in Mrs Calvers class a boy found a pink pencil on the ground so he and asked the girl infront of him if it was her's then the girl gave the middle finger so the boy told the teacher (Mrs Calver) what the girl did to him in response Mrs Calver gave the boy a detention for bothering the girl the boy then tested Mrs Calver 2 weeks later by getting one of his friends how was a girl to get a pencil and asking if it was his so the boy gave the girl the middle finger then the girl told Mrs Calver about what the boy did and then Mrs Calver sent the boy to the principal and the boy got a 1 day suspension.

I have a Sexist Teacher me and sally got the same ansers but she got a higher mark on the test.

by Mrs Calver can die March 7, 2018

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witch teacher

A teacher that usually has major rare black hair or rare white hair, its a main priority to tell these rare feminist witch teachers to fack off

Wow that teacher made me stay in class after school!, what a witch teacher

by george maerkro November 6, 2017

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Hot teacher

Someone u wanna spank who is your teacher

Me: i wanna spank that hot teachers ass

by robluxgod November 14, 2018

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Sugar teacher

A teacher that exchanges sexual favors for good grades

Teacher: Abby, you are going to fail my class!
Abby: Isn’t there something I can do?
Teacher: Welllllll..... I could be your sugar teacher *takes off pants*

by y-axis March 10, 2021

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School Teachers

28 year old people who only care about getting time off and money that they get and go on strikes about. They lose their shit if you dont finish your homework. They single you out in class and say that they act the same to every child. They lie.I cant explain how shit they are.

i do not like school teachers.

by yaaaaa12380234 February 11, 2020

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English Teacher

Usually middle-aged men and women who have a self-written sci-fi series sitting in their desk drawers that no publishing company gives a shit about. Therefore, giving their students terrible grades helps fill up that depressing hole in their hearts. They also get a boner by thinking about how their perception of the book is far superior to anyone else’s. They typically over-analyze random speech in novels and make you feel like a dumbfuck while doing so. For example, if an author writes β€œThe dog was sad.”, an English teacher would talk about how this is a reference to the revolutionary battle tactics of Napoleon. Meanwhile, the author really meant that the dog was just fucking sad. Despaired. Depressed. Whatever other synonyms. Case closed.

Kiss-ass Kelsie: Ms. Johnson is the best English teacher ever! She really helps emphasize the true need for literature to enrich our otherwise pointless lives.

Reasonable Ricky: Suck a fat one Kelsie and reflect on your life.

by milayaaa November 29, 2020

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teachers asscrack

Basically, it's somebody who always kisses the teachers fucking ass

"Julie's a TA this year, bc she's constantly kissing her teachers asses, wtf???"

"Yup, she's a teachers asscrack alright!!!"

by F550 Powerstroke February 9, 2014

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