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30 Seconds to Mars

An American rock band.

Line up: Jared Leto (lead singer, guitar)
Tomo Millicevic (guitar, keyboard)
Matt Wachter (bass)
Shannon Leto (drummer)

Released debut album 30 Seconds to Mars in 2002
Followed up with A Beautiful Lie in 2005

The band are just starting their first headlining tour across America.

Their fan base is known as the Echelon.

They have the coolest glyphs ever!

I've been rocking out to 30 Seconds to Mars all night!

by tastes_of_ink July 26, 2006

517πŸ‘ 178πŸ‘Ž

30 Seconds of Madness.

A catchphrase preached almost religiously by a fucking bald knobjockey infront of a undeserving school audience.

"Okay guys. Premature ejacluation. 30 Seconds of Madness. (or pleasure) is all it takes. Just like when I'm in bed with my poor wife."

by 30secondsoflove August 16, 2007

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

30 Seconds to Mars

An amazing band headed by Jared Leto, the coolest evAr. They rock out of the universe with their glyphics. Welcome to the Universe.

Jared Leto sings for the band 30 Seconds to Mars, and they are greatzor.

by Sam Nizzle January 31, 2004

857πŸ‘ 311πŸ‘Ž

January 30

National hang jp dAy
Anybody name jp gets hung

Bruh it’s January 30

by Pengriffey January 30, 2020

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


some time after beer drinking should have started

Guy to friends: "Hey, you started without me!"
Friends: "Your bad ... it's Beer:30"

by BeerGood October 23, 2012

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November 30

The day where being straight is a sin

Brad:Hey john November 30 is being straight is a sin day
John:looks like in going to hell

by Knatboi7 November 9, 2019

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Rule 30

Rule 30 states if there is milf near you, you no longer have the flu.

Boy 1: Hey, I’m going to this milf
Boy 2: Don’t you have the flu?
Boy 1: Rule 30 man
Boy 2: Oh your’e right

by Mike Oclonng December 29, 2022

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