Source Code

bruce the bus driver

Bruce the bus driver is an evil man he loves little children and loves sucking lily pops he will chew on your toes and eat sloppy hamburgers

Bruce the bus driver is evil!

by Boy on the bus March 7, 2017

Tallahassee Steam Driver

The act of pouring alcohol into a woman's vagina, shaking her, and drinking the resulting liquid in the form of a shot.
Can be known as the TSD

My girlfriend was down for a Tallahassee Steam Driver, but I didn't want to drink that shit.

Dude I did the Tallahassee Steam Driver last night, and I am still puking from drinking that shit.

Home Slice, I gave my ho a TSD, but it gave me a STD.

by E- Mez and P- Mack December 13, 2007

Steve Snider Driver

One who drives erratically and has no sense of direction what so ever. He/she is the leading cause of rode rage and heart attacks.

Don't get behind this car. He looks like a Steve Snider Driver the way he is weaving through the lane.

by derrizzle April 29, 2010

teenage driver syndrome

TDS is a condition in which younger drivers, particularly teenagers, begin driving like maniacs when there's absolutely no reason to do so. People with TDS don't usually realize their condition and thus blame it on the drivers who are forced to share the road with them.

Guy 1: That fucker cut me off!

Guy2: But you had the red light.

Guy 1: It doesn't matter! I was going to go and he cut me off!

Guy 2: Just let it go, man. It's not like we're in a hurry or anything.

Guy 1: I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!

Guy 2: Slow down! You've got a really bad case of TDS today.

Guy 1: TDS?

Guy 2: Teenage Driver Syndrome

by the dirty liberal November 30, 2009

samoan pile driver

A sexual position that occurs when the woman's back and the bed are perpendicular but she is upside down. The practitioner of the Pile Driver stands above the woman and points his shit due south, simply bending his knees for repeated bludgeoning. This process is repeated while screaming, "Abdaay... goony, goony, goony... ABDAY. ABDAY. ABDAY. HA!"

by p0wntn00b June 10, 2003

Snow Plow Driver

The asshole who sits around the corner and waits until you completely clear your driveway and then fills it in with the blade of his plow.

These people don't sleep at night...and they likely play with dolls as a hobby...they don't call em flakes for nothing!

No example necessary - if you live in a climate where there is snow then you KNOW the Snow Plow Driver is EVIL

by Exsalad January 4, 2010

Truck Driver Bill

A man who lives in Abilene, TX. He is known all around Texas, especially in west and north regions of the state. He has been noted as to always be wearing a trucker cap he never takes off in public, always has a toothpick in his mouth, and acknowledges people with a friendly "10-4 good buddy" when he hears his name. A recent poll in the city of Abilene revealed that roughly 90% of people don't know his real name is not Bill. He is also noted as not owning a truck, but rather a broken 21 speed mountain bike.

Glen: "Hey, have you seen Truck Driver Bill today?'
Seth: "Ya. He was biking to the Bingo house in Abilene."

by HSUcowboy09 August 6, 2008