Manipulative, Asshole, probably a dude that would try to finger a bitch on a first date.
Probably someone who would guilt trip you into staying them by forcefully bringing you gifts you never asked for.
“Bro did you hear Jared got cheated on?
Man that sucks, he was pussy whipped anyway.”
Ah Jared, what name, the ugliest of them all. The name of a guy who is self centered, ignorant, pitiful, lonely, kind of fucking stupid, apathetic, disloyal, bad boyfriend, most hypocritical guy you will ever meet!
Ugh Jared, no I don’t want you to finger me in the Jasons deli parking lot!
jared is the type of person to be toxic. He has a big dick but don’t know how to deal with it and use it. and he’s 17 and can’t read he has a 2nd grade reading level
Jared breaks up with you for no reason i hope he gets a disease
The largest douche bag on the planet. Has both mommy and daddy issues. Fails to comprehend even the most simplistic sentences and ideas. When he speaks everyone who hears it is instantly made dumber. He fails in school, in life, and in every other way possible. He is more unattractive than a $20 dollar a night motel bathroom. He thinks that the world is flat and that science is something you drink. His clothing choices have all the charm of a Klan rally. Jared likes his mom... a little too much. Jared is descended from a long line of complete morons, and he lives up to the standard his ancestors set.
Jared is the douche bag that married dated his mother.
A nigga who boofs all day and eats beans while running from linda
A drunken simp with a tiny dick who doesnt take no for an answer. he gets no bitches, but he has nice hair. the kinda dude who will send you some lil peep at 3 am cuz hes simping over the fact that you dont want him
ohoh Jared is fucked up and about to ruin everyone's night again