A furry with aimbot on his bow.
When a business has shit service but charges outrageous pricing so you use their service for free.
"UFO is trash so we Robin hood it and golf for free."
When you directly throw a dart on the previous dart that you thrown and it sticks to it or snaps the flight.
I just done a Robin Hood with all three of my darts.
A thicc boy named Owen who canon has fantasies about. They have a very steamy relationship because both are quite busty.
Canon Robin’s Boyfriend loves his massive shlong.
The girl who shit on your Xbox.
"That's The Raging Robin I told y'all about! The bitch that cost me my Series X!"
A loyal fan of Finnish teen pop star Robin Packalen.
Lojaali Robin Packalen fani.
Oh she’s a total Robiner
Sehä on täys Robiner
a nascent collective musical venture incorporating a variety of different instruments, musical inspirations, and musicians coming from widespread musical/lifestyle backgrounds. songs commonly take the form of freeform, improvisational jams, directed by one or more member(s) involved in the production.
the members are impossible to list here because they are constantly cycling, often with only a fraction of the members participating on each track. for example, only two of the members have participated on all material so far.
the largest draw is likely the wildly varying instrumentation and musical styles featured in their material, for example the latest recorded track is composed of a central banjo loop, and then is built up with cello, guitar, bass guitar, and piano. thus far there is no singing or drumming, although both are hopeful integrations for future recordings.
robin & the wolf's first recording involves two guitars, bass guitar, keys, and trumpet.