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Boner Killer

When you are trying to get it in with your girl and one of your friends or siblings just happen to walk in the room and ruin the mood.

Guy: So babe, Whatcha wanna do tonight?

Girl: Well I was thinking maybe we could...

Sibling/Friend: Hey guys hows it going?

Guy: Damn, You Boner Killer

by KingRydah March 1, 2011

20πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

vibe killer

The person who waits for a good group conversation to start going underway before messing it up with an awkward statement or joke that's lightyears away from being funny that's not even related to the conversation.

Person 1: that party was awesome dawg. We should get those girls to come to the next one.
Person 2: Word bro.
Vibe killer: I'm getting head like a pillow

by tpmassive October 19, 2014

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


*A person who kills babies, perhaps on a regular basis.

*One of the most popular hacks, by liberals, toward the United States of America, pro-troop attestors (really called pro-war, but sometimes it's pro-troop, like a pro-war rally I went to), George W Bush, and republicans in general.

"America does NOT slaughter children. In fact, if you have the BALLS to see the truth, you'll find that our troops like to play with Iraqi children, but only when they get the free-time."

"George W Bush is NOT a baby-killer. In fact, if you have the BALLS to see the truth, you'll find that the Dubya cares deeply about children and wants them to go through school and make their own decisions in life......Laura Bush also hopes that children learn to read, but you have to wish her luck because of the dominating illiterates in this country!"

"Not all republicans are evil. Bush isn't evil, Charlton Heston isn't evil, my philosophy teacher isn't evil, I'm not evil......republicans are said to mostly be people who work for a living......but you shouldn't expect close-minded pussies to listen."

by Dave July 8, 2004

42πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž

Boner killer

A term used to express disappointment or to define something as disappointing.

Dude, I think your crush likes someone else.
Well. That's a boner killer.

*after breaking your laptop*
AGHHHHHHHHH. Boner killer!

by X3no June 10, 2013

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

boner killer.

an ugly/unattractive girl or guy. can be shortened too BK.

Jack: oh maaan, she's soo hot.
Liam: dude snap out of it.. such a boner killer.

by Tootsiee Wootsiee October 25, 2011

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Serial killer

A guy who will stab your soda and your like WHY IN THE FREAKING WORLD WPULD YOU DO THAT. Then he says that it’s fun and then he stabs you.

My mom is a serial killer. Oh dear lord she’s out to get me,

by Hi peps December 3, 2019

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

killer drip

Total swag, dope style...

After all this time, he's still got killer drip!

by Facelift 536 March 20, 2021