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Sausage and Peppers ass

The left over poop that leaks out of your ass and builds up into a gooey residue, almost like the juice from a sausage and peppers sandwich at the fair

"That was a rough shit! I'm gonna have sausage and peppers ass for sure now!!!"

by rancidcolon August 24, 2011

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black peppered moth

Simultaneously putting your thumb in the vagina and a finger in the butt. Then you tap your finger and thumb together. Typically in a rapid fashion, like a moth's wings.

I gave that girl a black peppered moth last week and my finger still stinks.

by clubwich18 December 30, 2019

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Dr. Pepper Fountain

An act of extreme sexual deviancy in which a woman, crazed with the need for that epic sugar rush, vigorously shakes up a bottle of Dr. Pepper and inserts it into her vagina. Once the pressure equalizes, the woman arches her back, lifting her vagina into the air and proceeds to simultaneously remove the bottle from her vagina and spin on her head, much like a break dancer from the 1980s. Meanwhile, the pressurized Dr. Pepper is forcefully ejected from her vagina in a majestic arcing pattern, creating a pleasing fountain effect. Observers in the immediate vicinity are warned to wear protective clothing.

Jill's Dr. Pepper Fountain really took the party to the next level last night, but I wish I would've brought my rain jacket.

by TheHelmlinator February 17, 2014

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Pepper Hit The Fan

A phrase used in a flirtatious context often preceded by a question as to whether or not something is meant to be "dirty or not". It is used as a diverting comment so the person will be distracted.

Girl: Hey you :) what's up?
Guy: You mean what else is up? ;)
Girl: Was that a dirty joke?
Guy: You tell me... all i know is that the pepper hit the fan about ten minutes ago. :)
Girl: Oh man...explain that one..

by ctfd July 1, 2010

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Dr. Pepper Tits

When an overweight male consumes so much soda, their nipples lactate said soda.

Max: Bob's chugged about a six-pack already this morning.
Jethro: He's fillin' up them Dr. Pepper Tits.

by Carlo Watto May 21, 2015

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Mexican Chili Pepper

Before anal sex, provide your unsuspecting partner with a large dose of powerful laxatives. After applying a condom, coat your now erect penis with a thick layer of sexual lubricant, which, prior to, you will have replaced with tabasco sauce. Upon penetration, your partner’s rectum will immediately begin to swell and inflame, resulting in significantly increased pleasure. After several minutes of penetration, the tabasco sauce lubricant will have oozed out of the butthole, threatening the integrity of your condom, and risking exposure to the now puss-infused spicy shit sauce. At around this time, the laxatives enter the equation. Liquid shit floods your partner’s anal cavity, spewing around your throbbing cock and moistening the rectum. After ejaculation, you may force you partner to ingest the mixture of cum, diarrhea, and hot sauce, depending on whether or not he or she is still conscious.

β€œShe had to get asshole replacement surgery after receiving the dreaded Mexican Chili Pepper.”

by Bobby Autismic December 22, 2018

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very sergeant pepper

Very Sergeant pepper is a term used to describe something that seems drug fueled and a bit psychedelic.

'That show is very sergeant pepper'

by Green Ocelot January 2, 2008

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