Popular term amongst the homosexual mountain climbing enthusiast community referring to the act of giving felatio whilst repelling down a precipitous cliffside. A common fallacy is that the use of Patagonia Ropes enhances the experience of rope head due to the misnomer that these lead to more taintal vibrations. However, the veracity of the matter is all ropes lead to an amazing experience with rope head.
Jack: Wanna give me some Rope Head when we repel down Mt. Killamingaro.
Luke: Yes, I want your taint in my face too.
The act of placing a hank of natural fiber hemp bondage rope over ones mouth and breathing through it. The earthy natural smell of the rope (sometimes described as smelling similar to a horse or a barn) invokes a visceral response ranging from hallucinations of bondage, deep meditative relaxation, erection, or vaginal wetness. To enhance the sensation, tweakers use larger quantities of rope and place devices such as tubing inside it to concentrate the smell, delivering a more intense high.
She almost lost her mind. He spent almost five minutes doing rope huffing with her before the scene at the play party and you could see her body mellow out. He said when he reached down on her she was dripping wet. I think I heard her whisper out "hurt me".
To shoot an abnormally large amount of ejaculate out of your penis.
“I’m gonna rope buckets at the Children’s Science Museum”
“Last night I rope’d buckets when my wife let her boyfriend slut her out.”
A Dookey Rope refers to a penis after performing anal sex.
I made a dookey rope with that big bootied hoe last night.
A rope indicates a leadership role in the military and is worn on the shoulder of a uniform. Brown rope is an unofficial leadership role that isn't indicated by a literal rope, but by a person who is known to be a dirt bag and is exemplary at being a dirt bag.
Airman Brown is a real dirt bag, brown rope. Unlike Airman Parry; she is the white rope holy guide on bearer.
has helped to fund ground-breaking research that helps to fight heart disease
In the USA, what for many years was known as Jump Rope for Heart has evolved into the Kids Heart Challenge, which still includes jump rope as a component