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loyalty card

recieving a humer in the back of diecys from the muffen man.
how about some more sauce! splash!
sir, have you a loyalty card?
go ahead and have a wank on the bar!
the cunt with the spiked hair has a straw!

a light lunch made from cutters choice spuds which are eaten in glamourous surroundings with friends whilst the chello bellows in the backround to the beat of "roxanne you can leave on the red light!".

by sean heffernan March 13, 2003

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Also known as an Electronic Card. E cards are sent through any form of online communication or mobile device. They can say anything from happy birthday to merry Christmas.
This card also lets the receiver know how insignificant they are in this world. An E card is basically A big FUCK YOU to receiver. Do yourself a favor and dont send e cards to people.

My parents just sent me and E-Card man, they hate me. Fuck my life

by hai5now December 25, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

brown carded

When a person does not wash their hands after taking a dump they receive a brown card. Similar to a warning in sports.

Brent got brown carded because he is a disgusting douche bag and didn't wash after laying an offering to the porcelain god.

by rpetras June 10, 2008

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Discover Card

A woman's virginity. Because like virginity no one accepts a Discover Card, unless they're desperate.

"Irita, did Junior take your discover card?"
"No, but Mikey did, he was that desperate."

by Lance Hardman December 3, 2011

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thrift card

A leftover gift card with just enough money to make you feel bad about throwing it out, but not enough to actually buy anything. Usually are worth between $.25 and $1.

Jack: Wow man, freakin starbucks nearly cleaned out my $10 gift card in one visit!

Brendan: That sucks dude, looks like you're stuck with a thrift card.


Ian: I need to clean out my wallet but I've got so many thrift cards, its tough to throw em out.

Pete: Where are you ever going to use up those things? They are pretty much worthless.

Ian: True.

by Indomitable798 May 2, 2009

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A card used by selective people such as Adam Morrison, Kat Williams, LeBron James,E-40, Greg Oden, and Joel Przybilla to get a hoe to have sex with them

Adam Morrrison pulls out his mac-card and mad bitches throw themselves at him

by Tom Bolick February 14, 2007

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Crebit Card

It is a credit or debit card.

This store excepts crebit cards.

by The one and only Brandy January 10, 2009

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