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touch hole

(1) n - vagina/anus
(2) n - a slutty girl
(3) n - see asshole, douchbag, fag, jewbag

(1) that girl has one nasty fucking touch hole!
(2) that touch hole has slept with everybody on campus.
(3) don't be such a fucking touch hole!

by je adore dior March 9, 2003

35๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

Touch down

a cocktail made of wodka, apricot brandy, orange, citron and passion fruit juice and grenadine. please skip the grenadine or you'll ruin one of the few cocktails that aren't sweet as a cat's ass.

dude, give me another touch down

by unsuspicious October 19, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

touch a button

A phrase originating from Jamaican artist, Vybz Cartel. An insult, really, touch a button insinuates that you can't do anything about your current situation, and are in a position of weakness. Synonymous with get mad, and do something, touch a button is kinda like a threat, daring you to do something. Used by Trinis and people all over the Caribbean.

1) Eyy! You take my five hundred dollars I was saving up boy! What happen to you?!
What you gonna do? Touch a buton, nah!

2)Why you hit me for? You wah see I damage yuh face or something?!
You play mad! Touch a button nah, see what will happen

by Convent.Love August 2, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ratner's touch

The opposite of the Midas touch. A person for whom everything turns to crap, if (s)he gets involved.

Named after jewellery magnate Gerald Ratner, who infamously declared his proudcts to be "total crap" and wouldn't last much "longer than a M&S {Marks & Spencer} prawn sandwich", during a speech to the Insitute of Directors (1991).

Although his comments were meant to be tongue-in-cheek, shares in his company drastically plummeted and he almost bankrupted the company. The speech is often heralded as an example of the value of branding and image over quality.

It's a nightmare working with with Cheryl, she always bodges things up-- she's got the Ratner's touch.

by Roger Mellie 84 October 31, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Touching Cloth

When one binds ones "cheese" in fabric,thus leaving the woven imprint upon the "ripe old cheshire"!

"i'm touching cloth, you'd better cut yourself a slice off this...go on...there's plenty."

by Darran Pritchard October 17, 2003

17๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tip Touch

When two males double penetrate a women in the vagina and the ass, and their penises tear through the inner wall and touch tip to tip, thus calling it a Tip Touch. Consumating the Tip Touch with a high five is recomended.

Andy and Marcus high fived each other after they Tip Touched in Christine.

by ChirpsMcGirps December 14, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

touching cloth

when one needs to use the lavatry so bad that it is unbearable and the excrement begins to touch your underwear.
Touching cloth is the stage before the term running (or rolling depending on the shape)down ur leg and after the stage of losing control of ur bowels. Touching cloth more often than not leads to stains so, heavens, please do be aware

Emma: oh gee i think im touching cloth colleen
Colleen: oh emma i do believe i am also touching cloth
Emma: yahaha yahha golly thats astounding lets go clean up
Colleen: that would be great. would you mind if i were to have a joint which i rolled this morning
Emma: why id be offended if you didnt

by deane October 15, 2007

28๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž