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walk blocking

When you're walking down the street, taking up the whole sidewalk, and preventing others from getting by. Often done by slow movers, tourists, and other wide loads.

Those moms with their strollers are totally walk blocking me!

by tcp123 June 10, 2013

walking hiv

Term referring to a slut, or whore.

Yo, that bitch is the walking hiv, watch yo self nukka.

by Annonnimous (sp) February 12, 2009

3👍 3👎

deep walk

An expression stating something is very far and is usually not worth the journey.

come get food with me. Nah son thats a deep walk.

by Hikendahalf June 11, 2007

walking wank

A walking wank is for the bored gentleman who is in favour of getting naked in ones home and choosing to masturbate whilst travelling from one room to another.

This is an activity which is not always understood, but however seems to be attracting attention from various specialist websites.

Its not known how many men take part in this but it is suspected that it is in the high numbers. it is a solo activity that is usually done in the absence of a partner who, for example, is away from home or at work etc...
It is reported to give the gentleman a great sense of freedom without having to go the whole way towards perversion and lewd sexual acts...

it is unknown whether this is a gateway practise that may lead to a more serious deviant behaviour which is known as a WWW (walking Window Wank)

"great, she's away, time to stick on the nina simone tunes and have a walking wank"


" i just walked in on him naked and prancing about laughing, he told me he was feeling great and enjoying a walking wank"

by the anaconda October 16, 2010

mom walk

a really fast speed walk. most times seen in in grocery stores when your moms in a hurry.

"danggggg she can really mom walk."

by harper.h5 on snap kiddos April 12, 2019

Walking the Wombat

When a woman is walking along and is wearing a very short skirt, exposing her pubic hair.

"Check out that chick in the tiny skirt!"
"Woah, Loads of bush there. She's walking the wombat!"

by Kozeyekan August 29, 2012

Diagonal Walk

When a pedestrian crosses a street or parking lot at a diagonal angle rather than straight, usually taking a longer time to do so.

“Look at this asshole diagonal walking, for God’s sake I just want to park my car.”

by CaptainCatLoaf November 25, 2019