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walmart cheer

Welfare Nation

Did you hear the Walmart cheer last night? I think it embodies everything the company represents.

by Nodnarb1 March 11, 2022

Walmart Socks

Socks on a Walmart mannequin that have been removed, drowned in nut, and placed back on the mannequin to solidify.

Dude 1: "Dude, I just found some RANCID Walmart socks."
Dude 2: "Ohhhh yeah my bad Dude that was me."

by ILoveBigBlackOilyMen February 19, 2025

Like a water from Walmart off the stack

When someone you see is so basic yet so absolutely hot that they're off the stack/unique in how basic they are.

Isabella: hey my look at this photo of my friend
Fernando: oh my god. Shes like a water from walmart off the stack
Isabella: what the fuck does that even mean

by Zer0Rebel4 November 26, 2021

Walmart Frodo

like frodo, incredibly short. because of lack of demand, there is currently a clearance sale that is selling it at 50% off at your local Walmarts. Common characteristics include delusion, Napoleon complex, and straw colored hair. please call 911 if you catch one roaming out in the wild.

Joe: yo what is that thing over there putting on stilts

David: hey it’s just the neighborhood Walmart frodo

by rk126 November 22, 2021

Walmart ready

Last nights make up, need to wash your hair and you are in your laundry day clothes? It's okay you can go out in Public you are "Walmart ready"!

I can't go to Target look at me I'm "Walmart ready".

by willyd1968 August 25, 2018