The act of cumming in a high power fan and seasoning it with rat shit, then turning the fan on at a party so your unborn kids fly onto all the unsuspecting party guests.
Jimmy just let fly at that fan and I think hey call that a New Orleans McFlurry!
A speech given by Chancellor Palpatine that makes it so The Great Jedi Purge is enacted and that the Galactic Repunlic is now an empire.
Start of Declaration of a New Order
Palpatine: ...and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled.
Bail Organa: What's happened?
Padmé Amidala: The chancellor's been elaborating on a plot by the Jedi, to overthrow the senate.
Palpatine: The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated!
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Not even the younglings survived..
Yoda: This.. padawan.. killed, not by clones, but by a lightsaber, he was...
Obi-Wan: Who? Who could've done this?
(Anakin killing separatists)
Palpatine: The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but i assure you, my resolve has never been stronger!
(cut to mustafar)
Rune Haako: Stop! No!
(Rune Haako gets killed by Anakin)
Palpatine: In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganised into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society!
Padmé Amidala: So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause.
(cut back to mustafar)
Nute Gunray: The war is over! Lord Sidious promised us peace! we only want- SHEAEAGH!
(Nute Gunray is slashed down by Anakin Skywalker)
Biggest Free State in Britain, often confused with New York due to it also being the City that never sleeps. Also well known as Scotlands oldest man frequents this suburb for a pint, Bud Rose, aged 124.
“Have you ever visited New York to see the Free State”
“Do you mean New Elgin as it’s bigger”
“Ah yes, I mean New Elgin, i’m off there to see Bud Rose old bastard”
When your walking outside and then it starts to snow, and then it doesn't stop for like a month.
Thanks to New England Blizzards, I barely have school in the winter.
When someone loses control of their car and bounces from wall to wall and back across to the other wall again.
Did you just see that Civic do the New Jersey Jackknife across the turnpike?
Hook up with a girl with glasses, and jizz on her glasses, then proceed to take a squeegee and clean it off after she couldn't see where she was going and has walked into every piece of furniture in the room.
I was bored after we hooked up, so I gave her the New Jersey Window Washer and she almost knocked over my bookshelf.
APE news is a dedicated news channel and competes with Rioters news and Gloomberg, to deliver the most depressing news available on the planet, quickly and painfully.
Jamie totally went bananas after watching APE news -- his commodities holdings were crashing big time