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Fart Fanning

A dramatic windmilling arm motion intended to waft your special creation in the general direction of your friend or partner

Phil is an expert in fart fanning, his wife wants to have him declared an environmental hazard by the EPA

by Marshall Fazione November 20, 2016

Fart Sandwich

A fart of such strong intensity that it can be tasted, and remains of which linger in the nose and mouth.

Everyone cleared the room after eating the dog’s fart sandwich.

by Dr Irka January 3, 2021

rhythm fart

A sequence of farts making one continuous symphony of squeak noises.

Dude1: yo what the fuck!
Dude2: sorry man, the lunch burritos made me rhythm fart.

by gorakaya December 29, 2023

Herald fart

1. n. A trumpeting sonic eruption that signals the impending arrival of a glorious turd.

"As I sat grunting in the mall toilet stall, several herald farts signified that my efforts were soon to be rewarded."

by Trap Dandy June 3, 2019

Fart asshole

When u cum but no cum comes out

Me:Shit i just cumed but no cum came out
My homie: bro u just fart assholed

by Ugly ah mf January 16, 2022

Down to fart

When You get caught in class asking someone if they're DTF (down to fuck) and you want to troll and lie to your teacher so you say it actually now means down to fart.

DTF doesn't mean down to fuck, mam... It's Down To Fart!

by Jesusprice11 February 18, 2016

Fart Reek

Fart Reek; A term in which used against someone who is awfully stupid and or unaware of their surroundings at all

Yo! Look at this Fart Reek he looks like he has no idea what he’s doing, I bet he reeks and farts.

by Ahisooooo May 15, 2024