An intellectual way of calling someone’s activity “pussy behavior”, calling a person a “pussy”, or redirecting someone’s negative comment back to themselves.
“Ew, gay people.” - Bob
“Cat Activity.” - Reply to Bob, implying that Bob is a pussy for typing/saying this
The ugly, and twice as annoying poptart troll; including disturbing background music to make it all the more creepy.
Some side effects of watching poptart troll are:
1) Feeling as though you are being watched,
2) Wanting to watch something happy like, Dora The Explorer,
3) Having the sudden urge to watch Nyan cat for a few hours.
Oh, do you ever watch poptart troll? I'ts on youtube. and is Nyan Cat's Brother
The opposite of a milkshake duck. A viral person that later turns out to have really good views. Named after Jorts the cat.
"I was hoping bean dad was going to be a butter cat, but he was a milkshake duck."
"Oh wow that guy that went viral yesterday thinks healthcare should be free. A real butter cat."
In pinochle, a fucken awesome hand that will destroy your opponent.
Chris: You fags are going down!
Al: Nah you dumbass I got a fucken whomppus cat!
Vagina, pussy, female reproductive organs.
I'm going to eat some boneless cat later
Lonely and don’t have friends to hang with
Hahahaha people with cats