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Cat Activity

An intellectual way of calling someone’s activity “pussy behavior”, calling a person a “pussy”, or redirecting someone’s negative comment back to themselves.

“Ew, gay people.” - Bob
“Cat Activity.” - Reply to Bob, implying that Bob is a pussy for typing/saying this

by navosyz October 14, 2023

Cat poop

The simile of toe jam.

Baby Gavin had cat poop between his toes.

by Doff B October 2, 2021

Nyan Cat's Brother

The ugly, and twice as annoying poptart troll; including disturbing background music to make it all the more creepy.

Some side effects of watching poptart troll are:

1) Feeling as though you are being watched,

2) Wanting to watch something happy like, Dora The Explorer,

3) Having the sudden urge to watch Nyan cat for a few hours.

Oh, do you ever watch poptart troll? I'ts on youtube. and is Nyan Cat's Brother

by 11111annonymous11111 November 19, 2011

Butter cat

The opposite of a milkshake duck. A viral person that later turns out to have really good views. Named after Jorts the cat.

"I was hoping bean dad was going to be a butter cat, but he was a milkshake duck."
"Oh wow that guy that went viral yesterday thinks healthcare should be free. A real butter cat."

by Wooshie January 26, 2022

whomppus cat

In pinochle, a fucken awesome hand that will destroy your opponent.

Chris: You fags are going down!

Al: Nah you dumbass I got a fucken whomppus cat!

by yourmyprisonbitch May 11, 2014

Boneless cat

Vagina, pussy, female reproductive organs.

I'm going to eat some boneless cat later

by Roadkill667242 October 6, 2021

people with cats

Lonely and don’t have friends to hang with

Hahahaha people with cats

by ASDSADS October 31, 2017