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You need to calm down

Said when someone is over reacting to the smallest things especially on the internet.

Also a reference to the song "You need to calm down" by Taylor Swift.

🌈 🦄 🪩 ✨

Person 1:*Over reacting*
Person 2:"You need to calm down, you're being too loud."
Person 3:"And im just like oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh,oh-oh."

by FloptropicanSwiftie1369 April 29, 2024

down with the alphabet

A member of the LGBTQ community

I thought Helen was straight but she's actually down with the alphabet

by The Black Lotus September 15, 2023

Down syndromic

Just another way to call someone with Down syndrome

Look at that retard he’s so down syndromic

by Sellout President September 5, 2023

Down to FUIC (DTF)

Ready, willing, and enthusiastically prepared to indulge in a Farmers Union Iced Coffee (FUIC). Often used to signal a laid-back vibe when you’re in the mood to FUIC or to show allegiance to South Australia’s favourite iced coffee.

Are you Down to FUIC (DTF) this V-Day?

by Farmers Union Iced Coffee February 13, 2025

calm it down

What you say to somebody who is taking themselves too seriously.

Tall guy: what kind of situation did you create here? I'm going to beat you to a pulp.
Fat round kid: calm it down! I didn't do shit.

by Capital P February 1, 2018

MuahlonnBEaT down BEJriPyTomBuried

A fighting bemmimgfilm. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

I invented and made and created and started muahlonnbeat down bejripytomBuried. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

by Lonnie Benningfield junior mar July 2, 2024

Suckle down

Drinking alcoholic beverages as a young piglet would suckle from the teet of his mother aka suckling pig

Man I was sauced last night, I had to suckle down on a few paddys just to get my head in the game

by Uncleboozer August 23, 2019