Mandziaras wife, unhappy bitch , Skank-Ho, lemon sucker, Polack lover, basic all around miserable cunt.
Cathy, as usual was a complete lippy cunt with her frowning and child like behavior. Looks like she's sucking a lemon while trying to take a shit but cant quite squeese the turd out!
A person who is extremely stupid, Over retarded and Less-Literate who is always the Cunt Eater.
What you scream down your mic when your CS:GO teamate kills you.
oi david, fuck you!
When your being a complete cunt that's on the defense.
During an argument. One person says to a very defensive person. "I can't talk to you with your cunt wall up." "Your such a cunt wall"
Cunting someone over is what happens when a woman screws someone over in a way that makes the victim painfully aware of the woman's vagina.
Aw dude, one of my female employees is totally cunting me over for not offering free tampons in the workplace. (Cunt over)
A person who will constantly tell to donate to charity or cancer patients. The morale of this is to avoid them at all costs
Willy:hey you should donate to the March of dimes
Robby:can you shut the fuck up
Willy:donate to the homeless
Robby:you're a fuckin charity cunt