A fascinating creature, commonly found in sewers. “The Do(or)” is a extremely fat, ugly, pimply ogre who’s sole purpose is to eat as much fatty foods possible.
“Damn nigga, The Do(or) is one fatass nigga that cant pronounce his “R’s”
an alternate name for a condom
Hey Matthew, do you have a doing hat I can borrow for the evening
to 'do the toes' means to run off in the opposite direction from whatever you are facing. In short it means to run away
I tried to give floyd his medicine but he did the toes.
I will be doing the toes at the first sign of trouble tonight...
When you are being anxious and annoying all your friends with your self doubt
She’s trying on a new outfit and “doing a Jemma”
aint = didn't
didn't = did not
not nothing = something
I ain't do nothing = I did not do nothing = I did something
"I ain't do nothing!"
so you did something, huh?
:nerd emoji:
1👍 2👎
Can be used two ways,
1. Meaning someone isn’t photogenic or looks gross/bad in a photo
2. When someone is acting really dumb without knowing they are
1: “hey look at this pic I jus posted”
“You really can’t do tape”
2: your friend is acting stupid, like they forgot how to human
“Rachel!!, fuck! You can’t do tape!”
-why do you have to be there for so long?
-why do you always complain?
-I was saying I miss you...