Source Code


To add time to any sentence.

'Hey, Bob time-ify 'Hello, I am Jeff'.'
'Ok! 'Hello, I am Jeff (9:40pm)''

by Timeify January 16, 2021

so like this one time

This phrase is often used in DankPods Microphone

So like this one time i was in my mums car and then she ran it in to a pole.

by ltdsgrreewqa November 20, 2023

time violation

Tennis Terminology. Infraction for exceeding the time limit of 25 seconds between points. First infraction leads to a warning, second to loss of your first serve and all consecutive to a point penalty.

Time violation, warning mr. Nadal

by Turandot June 16, 2019

Wharfie Time

A time period within a game of Australian Rules Football when players of the Fremantle Football Club are inspired to show extraordinary strength, skill and aggression.

“Put on your Superman capes, it’s Wharfie Time.” - Matthew Pavlich 28:16-20

by Danny_Whitaker May 25, 2024

Tam Time

When your pal says he'll be 5 mins but takes 5 hours.

"Still waiting....Tam Time"

by Zeroi13i January 16, 2020

Time series

A rare type of German sausage

wow, that's a nice time series!

by trombones October 21, 2016

cudxy time

the combination of cuddle time and sexy time. when you want to cuddle but also have sex.

I have been feeling lonely, I need some cudxy time asap!

by cudxy July 6, 2019