A bitch ass nigga is someone with no hoes, nobody likes them, and they're bitches.
The root of this word is Kaceyz.
" That man Kace is a bitch ass nigga "
its a word to describe a weak and unworthy person, used especially between black friends
He’s a bitch ass nigga bc he act like a bitch and don’t know how to treat a woman like a woman
A word where you use to describe an African-American individual with the person saying is an African-American individual
Carl! You're a bitch ass nigga
Someone who doesn’t play a lot of RPGs, some MMORPGs, talk shit, and hasn’t got in a few fights before. Also, has some characters, or monsters in RPGs, and MMORPGs that is below the level of 99, and 100 for monster-breeding games, and below level 100, 200, 255, etc. for characters in RPGs, and MMORPGs.
Michael: Hey Mark, I heard your bitchass doesn’t like to play RPGs you bitch ass nigga.
A person who cries like a bitch when they get pinched and they start crying or they think they are so fucking tough then they would cry so hard if even a 5 year old girl or boy hits them
Tough wannabe: im gonna beat your ass
Me: okay dude
Tough wannabe: don't tell me I warned you
Me: *pinches him*
Tough wannabe: cries like a bitch
Me: what a bitch ass nigga