the cunts who sit on a couch at a party jealously talking about the pretty girls who are actually having fun.
"i wish i didn't have to walk past those couch cunts to get a drink."
Top tier in the hierarchy of insults, 'stupid idiot cunt fuck' may be used as an exclamation and adjective towards persons who should have been swallowed as spermatozoa.
"You stupid idiot cunt fuck!" exclaimed Glenn.
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The top tier in the hierarchy of insults, this term may be used to describe persons whos existance is a particularly grieveous stain on humanity.
"Go! You Stupid-Idiot-Cunt-Fuck!" Exlaimed Glenn, whilst stuck behind a particularly slow driver.
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"Cowboy" or Cam has just proven to be a true low life here in Australia his has proven to be a 'Shit Cunt'
"Cameron Underwood" is a "Shit Cunt" A low life that will eventually always fuck anyone over for Crack - he lives his life as a true crack whore does lie after lie - himself before anyone & anyone for a point. A waste of air to be honest Right.
(Australian slang) Aussie word for a dick head a dog or just a horrible person
Oi Damo you stole my heroin you shit cunt