Jack means nothing. Jacked means stolen from, detour, off track. Jack is nothing but a word used to either say something happened and you don't know who did it. What no one needs or wants to run into. Maybe over but not into.
You don't know Jack. I got Jacked!
The absolute most stupidest person you will ever meet. His face is decorated with pimples every square millimeter and he never fails to make you feel like a fat ass. He likes to stick his body parts in holes and he also pulls men. Jack is always goofing around and being a fat idiot.
Jack is so god awfully ugly and stupid!
very sexy very yes have large wiener
woman: hey what's your name?
Jack: Jack
Woman: have sex with me
A big gay faggot that doesnt know when to shut the fuck up. Nobody knows how he has friends some say he buys them. Likes boys
jack is an extremely sexy and cute god.
holy shit, have you seen jack today?
let me guess, he got all the girls wet again.
A round plump guy with a buzz cut who has a mushroom shaped head and pulls no bitches besides in 2nd grade. He doesn’t hop off his bike and wheelies around town. He is hard stuck elite in Fortnite, and unranked in siege.
Snoop #1 “Snoop have you heard of Jacks wheelies?”
Snoop #2 “Oh yeah that’s the guy who’s hard stuck elite, right?”