A horrible way to end a nebulous hookup situation with someone you don’t exactly like to avoid confrontation.
“Dude how’s Stacy?”
“I don’t know man, I think she’s totally friend ghosting me, she barely answers my texts anymore.”
Short answer: No.
Long answer: I'm just an internet random just as you, so that means no one knows the other and by that we can't trust ourselves... But don't worry, there are many people in the world, may one wants to be your friend.
You: can i be your friend?
internet random: no.
usually Matthews are tall and cringe. his best friend is probably his female cousin. he gives all his money friends though and writes essays to people on their birthdays. when you meet a Matthew you will be unsure whether he is gay or not.
omg look. its matthew lets look up Matthew, a friends opinion on the urban dictionary
Friend Inside Me
Friend: hey you want to watch toy story with me?
Deltarune fan: Friend Inside Me.
You put your friend in a box. That’s it…
Put Your Friend In A Box Day 👍
The friendship Toulay and Joaquin have.
Toulay attacks Joaquin 24/7 but they are still close buddies which is what they call, best bully friend.
The friend you have on the school bus that you don't see once you graduate high school.
Martin missed his school bus friend, Sofie.