Used as a descriptor for something that is so cute you can't take it. Similarly, something uniquely endearing. Its use is usually accompanied by a vocal inflection. An alternate, abbreviated pronunciation is wiθi.
You walk into the brides' dressing room: "OMG, Camille, you are what deh!" 😍
to be an asshole,or be a jerk in some manner to any person or thing. being mean or rude to somebody during a situation or just in general.
hating a person.
example one:
Derick: man..i can't wait to leave this girl.she's so annoying.'
Josh: DUDE you're such a sloanner
example two:
you're friend is making fun of you so you shout across the room "ugh WHAT A SLOANNER"
example three:
you hate you're brother,so you call him a sloanner.
ex; "goodness you're such a sloanner."
What I main means "I'm with them" in other contexts
Oh yeah I main her
"Who's she" she's what I main
Actions, words, thoughts, and promises made by someone only meant for a particular person.
It may be to a confidant, friend, or beloved.
What's meant for me will always be mine, just as much as what's meant for you is yours.
oh my God what the fuck is when you get so fucking confused you COMPLETELY lose ou fucking mind!
1: entry Bebe rv DB f WCW cc'ed savesc 2: omg what the fuck
No lies, no cap, only real, real friends, real truth, real life, Real true friend. That’s mad what up
That’s mad what up bro
person 1: what is it good for?
person 2:absolutely nothing