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Snickers Whore

A prostitute who sells herself and you pay her with snicker bars.

There is a Snickers Whore down the street if you want to hit her up

by KillerOfUrMind November 3, 2017

viking whore

Celice is Viking Whore

Omg is that Celice?!”
“No it’s viking whore”

by Salat May 5, 2020

Dope Whore

Girl who sleeps with a man or women for dope

Samantha slept with Dallas for dope that makes her a dope whore

by TylerPratt November 11, 2021

Dope whore

Ryan Nichols

Dope whore,

When drugs are needed he will suck, fuck, or eat anything that walks, talks, or barks

by Bobby Grimes December 7, 2021

National attention seeking whore day

When people want to try and manipulate a lad into fancying them or giving them attention

National attention seeking whore day- is someone who tries to manipulate lads to liking them and that like everyone’s attention on them

by Ahhhhhahahahahah October 17, 2021

Affection Whore

Alternative Version of the so called Attention whore

Gives you similes and is flattered when you give them back. Loves to receive all kinds of affection, so long as it does not touch her daddy issues.

In opposite to the pure attention whore is it important to her that the feedback is positive. She is also much more passive and less seeking for attention.

In general, you can cal her a mild, passive form of the attention whore.

Similar is, that she will turn you her back in no time, once you 'crossed the line'

Crossing the line is easy as showing more feelings as wanted (see section above, daddy issues)

She is clearly seeking affection and is scared to spend it back, as there is too less of it

Such an affection whore

by ShalokShalom December 11, 2018

duck whore


leonie is such a duck whore shes so ducky and whorey

by jacoaja April 21, 2022