When you have a friend that you hate but hes the only one who plays minecraft with you.
a guy who will do anything for pussy
Did you here what that cunt dummy Joe did the other night trying to snag those skanks? He made himself look like a total hee haw.
Cunt-mans Are Femboys Who Interact With Femboi2.0s. They Very Often Fuck Their Freinds In Their Arseholes And They also slap their own cheek. they also quite often act like they are gay, and they also extremely often fuck fucknutshitbags. when they do the same thing over and over again, they act like they’re bigender. they also lie to femboys. and they will act like a femboi2.0 when they’re home.
My Dad Is Fat And Wants To Be A Cunt-man, How Stupid!
A generic yet original insult to use, sort of like twat waffle
guy 1: you're a douche bag!
guy 2: piss off, cunt sleeve
A funny but still mean insult to give to someone that you dislike without being flat out rude by adding a slightly funny twist to it.
What a cunt wheel
Someone who is so pussy whipped that they wait hand and foot on their otherhalf.
Is Andy out tonight?
No hes being a cunt butler and running her a bath