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This is the art of inspiring people we know to create something greater than our selves.

‘We aren’t just fundraising, we’re friend-raising’
‘This is a great project, everybody gains!’

by Pie orbital August 1, 2022

Smoke Your Friend Out Day

February 11th

Mark: “yo it’s national smoke your friend out day

Carson: “oh word what does that mean”

Mark: “roll a doob

by notbigmike2 February 12, 2021

aalyna is a short / tall girl that is bixesual , has a lot of best friends she’s beautiful and loyal she’s nice and will always put herself first she funny and will make jokes

aalyna is a short / tall girl that is bixesual , has a lot of best friends she’s beautiful and loyal she’s nice and will always put herself first she funny and will make jokes

aalyna is a short / tall girl that is bixesual , has a lot of best friends she’s beautiful and loyal she’s nice and will always put herself first she funny and will make jokes

by Kmtod June 17, 2023

1👍 2👎

Friend boy

A friend that is a boy but is not a boyfriend

Jonathan? Oh he's not my boyfriend. He's my friend boy.

by Teasfunny July 9, 2018


Small, Amazing and my green heart Charlie is the best and I love him more than olives Charlie Taylor doesn't like him tho cos he is a knob and can snog angel in a tree

Charlie my SPECIAL FRIEND is a fabulous human

by Ieatolivesallday April 10, 2020


A common term heard in strip clubs, from strippers who aren't allowed to meet up with customers outside the club, but do it anyway.

Stripper A: "who was that guy that I saw you at the club with last weekend? "
Stripper B: "OH that was my Cust-friend"

by Ninja Nerd Warrior November 13, 2014

exclusive just friends

when two people who don’t want a relationship, but still want all the best parts of one, make a pact to remain just friends but exclusively for each other

Boy: “So I can’t hang out with other girls?”

Girl: “No, we aren’t dating but we are exclusive. Call us exclusive just friends”

Boy: “Ah man

by ButWhatAreWe? July 26, 2022