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New Mexico monsoon

When you urinate into a girls cupped hands and she then throws said urine into your face.

I tried to give her a New Mexico monsoon, but I was bladder shy.

by AustNilo August 1, 2019

New Mexico Monsoon

A gang bang consisting of 1 white girl and a gaggle of mexicans

"Did you hear kelly had a threesome?"
"Threesome? Nah man..it was a new mexico monsoon"

by rainbow_shitshow August 24, 2018

New bremen

New bremen is town where there is so many goody two shoes that are dumb asf. There’s some kids that aren’t, like COLLIN HURLEY. #FREEHURLEY beyke a bitch

Don’t go to goody two shoe New Bremen

by Skanky New Bremen February 16, 2022

King's new pfp

ugly ass duck

Person1: Did you see King's new pfp?
Person2: Yeah that's an ugly ass duck.

by Oxalis Cate January 10, 2022

New York Flu Like Symptoms

Fever* or feeling feverish/chills.
Sore throat.
Runny or stuffy nose.
Muscle or body aches.
Fatigue (tiredness)
Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.

While sometimes described as "New York Flu Like Symptoms" it's also described as:

Derby Drudge
Hong Kong Cough
San Fran Scam
Natomas Nap
Ventura Dysteria

Vaginal Myalgia

All of these conditions have one thing in common. Proximity to John "Youngie" Young.

AKA: Midget porn expert
Tax avoidance expert
Analogies disguised as metaphors expert

Chainsaw repair expert
Train spotting expert (not the kettles, he doesn't "Fancy" those)
Navy Seal Expert
Derby Tourist Guide (gay bar) expert
etc, etc, etc,

While English, he speaks like a yank and has lost his accent. Soft as grease, a public school boy.

Sits too far back on his seat, can't get his knee down, doesn't warm his tires (tyres), buys crap tires, worlds best absentee Dad.

Stay away, his chronic vaginal myalgia (pain of his lady parts) will fill you with dread, wearing you down until you feel like you were hit by a subway.

I hung out with Youngie last night and I feel like crap. - Oh Dude, you got New York Flu Like Symptoms

by Master Chief Shite July 10, 2019

The green new deal

A way for big corporations to act like they are doing anything about climate change and stop actual policy changes.

Biden voter: The green new deal is going to stop climate change, finally corporations are actually caring about the future generations.
John: You're literally a conservative.

by Socdem6002 July 30, 2022

1👍 1👎

I've come up with a new recipeh!

A new recipeh is when Ignis from final fantasy busts a nut and makes a recipeh out of dead animals that he just sencelessly murdered for no reason. He will most likely exclaim "That's it!" (busts a nut) "I've come up with a new recipeh!"
His companions have no idea of the busted nut, and just tells him "Love to try it"

Warning; Don't try it. It has most likely a handfull of busted nuts.

Thats it! I've come up with a new recipeh!

Great! Love to try it out!


by Make some time for a recipeh February 12, 2019