"Early Raisin Syndrome. Typically, Asians don't raisin, but there are cases where they don't reap that benefit, instead, they just look old af too soon."
damn, i know she's my age but she got ERS. I just turned 21.
1. Mexican girls learning how to speak English
2. A big line and then there's a what the fuck moment
1. We just can never teach these ER's to learn English
2. Oh that was so embarrassing those ER's momenta
Ers one of many endings within the TSCU . Typically referred to as the "One who drank the stillwater", enemy to torrie.
Ers , And, and Berg are the best endings by far
Enjoy the Rotten System. Used to hopelessly tolerate a corrupt government where masses remain underprivileged despite all efforts.
The new elections made no improvement; now stop complaining and simply ERS.
A racial slur for; a bitch ass ho from the midwest; reference to those in proximity to corn.
Fuckin Corn-ers