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June 24

The day of the year that allows you to ask one person a question no matter what it is and they HAVE to respond honestly. They can leave you in open and say the answer the next day if they do then you have a extra question if it continues then each day you get more questions you can use next June 24th.

Boy: hey

Girl: hey, so you know it’s June 24..
Boy: yeah..
Girl: I get to ask you any question and my question is why do you have a orange shirt?

by Basicdays June 24, 2020

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may 24

literally a date that no-one celebrates or bothers to know that it exists.

what's on may 24?

by toastbutter October 15, 2019

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24 November

Swis was born😌 What and amazing DayπŸ˜—

24 November a girl named swis came to this word. She changed it in many good ways😌

by October 28, 2020

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February 24

National get the girl pregnant that likes you day.

Fuck the girl that likes you on February 24 and try to get her pregnant :)

by Brooke.11039 November 3, 2019

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October 24

The reject day, nobody ever wants to talk about this day or have anything associated with it. Everyone just leaves this day alone.

β€œyou were born on October 24, that the reject day” you then feel bad for them

by Millie285 October 13, 2019

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April 24

Cobblestone Stone Day #Crundee Craft

Hey what’s today
It’s April 24, the best day eve

by ThickRickDick March 6, 2021

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March 24

International Breakup day

Well, It's March 24th its time to say i'm breaking up with you.

by Lilanal March 6, 2022

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