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Marching Band

Marching Band = Life

The greatest friends you will ever have. The most amazing people you will ever meet.
Marching Band is the most fun you can possible have with your friends.

Band Bus = Only place you can be tired and hyper at the same time.
Your social life from Summer to the end of Fall.
Common Phrases
1. Band Ten Hut!
2. Roll Your Feet!
3. Toes HIGHER!
4. Drumline, take a lap.
5. Mellos, you get a waterbreak first.
6. Colorguard, smile smile smile!
7. Woodwinds, we can't hhhheeeaaarrr yoooouuuu!!! (j/k)
8. This is MARCHING band, not WALKING band!
10. Stop talking and drop and give me 20. When we leave this practice we will either be better or we will be stronger.
11. Halftime IS Gametime
12. Maybe a few hours of staring into the sun will help you remember your sunglasses at tomorrow's practice.

"Hey, Can you go to the movies Friday?"

"Nope, I have to go to the game. Halftime show."

"What about Saturday?"

"Can't. Marching Band Competition."


"Sorry. Resting from the competition."

by Mellogirl November 21, 2006

62๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marching Band

1. Mainly, a group of musicians playing and staying in step all together.
2. A family who loves spending time together.
3. Best way to make friends freshman year.
4. Something to do on Friday nights.
5. A lot of hard work, but TONS of fun.
6. The most fun thing you'll ever do.
7. A thing that will change how you look at school, and the class you look forward to everyday.
8. Something that is often misunderstood for being "nerdy" or "geeky".
9. One of those things that will change your whole highschool experience, for the better.
10. A way to meet some of the greatest people you will ever meet, and never forget.

Guy 1: Man, I'm so glad it's almost football season.

Guy 2: Why? The football team sucks.

Guy 1: Two words. Marching Band.

Girl 1: Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I did band this year.

Girl 2: Why?

Girl 1: I know where all my classes are from band camp, I made so many new friends I'll never forget, and plus, band is where I met my winter formal date.

by bass_clarinet_girl March 25, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Band Geek

A band geek is someone who everyday of their lives, is thinking about marching band. Who everyday during third period play their show instead of paying attention to the class. A band geek, is someone who embraces the fact that they ARE a band geek. a Band geek is someone who will fight at every practice with their best friend, and be best friends again the next day! Because all band geeks, especially drummers, think they are always right!

Chritopher: Were Colleen and Hillary fighting again?

William: Yep I think they were.

Christopher: Then why are they hugging now?

William: They are band geeks!

Christopher: Yeah!

by Colliferferfrous November 2, 2007

19๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

emo bands

Emo Bands.
There are alot of bands different people would call Emo.

Some people say Blink 182 is Emo, while others say Thursday is.

My definition of an Emo band, is a band that describes their emotions in lyrics, Morbid, random, romantic.

Bands like McFly, Busted, Dashboard confessional arent emo!!!!!!!!

Emo bands are:
From first to Last
Funeral for a Friend

by FVT August 19, 2006

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cover band

A band of douchebag-like musicians usually in the 30's to 60's in age. The members play the most expensive gear available, believing they will achieve ultimate tone and resonance from their selected instruments. Their girlfriends and/or wives have permed hair. Sometimes females take part in cover bands, always as the singer. They wear extravagant costumes and have 80's inspired hair-dos. There is usually hope of being discovered by singing the hits during a residence at a nightclub, blowling alley or wedding. Members of cover bands usually have more attitude than talent, but they would lead you to believe otherwise.

Dude, I hate cover bands!
That guy is a total douchebag.

by Ian C. September 12, 2005

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boy band

a group of lads- generally about 5, that think they can either sing about love (notice non of them are ever married as such) or can scream down the mic knowing little scrubby shites can wander around in scrubby hoodies preaching how fantastic murderdolls (etc) are HELL YEAH BABY- BONE EM.

by Anonymous May 25, 2003

44๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Band Fag

a person that was once in the marching band who has graduated and come to every single band practice and game held.

J: Will that band fag go home?...she graduated last year..and needs to get a life.
D: I know man, they seem to have never graduated

by Extra-cool! December 7, 2007

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