Slang term for an erection, or "woody".
Man, that girl is so hot I get a harrison just thinking about her!
pretents to be gay to get in girls sleepovers
harrison : we should have sex becoz im gay so it doesnt matter
girl ok
A Harrison will have a heart of gold but look like a lump of coal. You will never catch a Harrison without his musical instrument, usually a guitar. A Harrison will constantly be trying to pull a girl however it seems like every time he tries he gets rejected completely with only a few girls willing to take pitty on him.
“Yo you’re gay, you must be a Harrison”
Beautiful specimen, always looking for men and sniffs of cocain in the toilet, absolute fiend of the world
Usually comes toothless
A really pleasure to the community
Definitely will find his way to hell
Harrison, the dark toothless machine
Drives a skitz ba falcon always at the indussos on a Friday and Saturday night with the boys pulls bull bitches with the sound of his Barra purring through the streets at 12am in the morning.
Harrison has such a nice falcon skitz
This is a guy who has a very nice life. He always strives to achieve his goals and let’s nothing get in his way. He absolutely hates having fun, especially when it comes to video games. He thinks they are a waste of time.
Hey look, Harrison is studying again.
A pan man who can ran with a can of banned anne nan crayon plan chan jam kyrgystan murexan
he is gay ™
atheist ok
Floccinaucinihilipilification Trichotillomania Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Tergiversation
pray to the atheist gods or you will go to atheist hell on atheist god
Now with maximum efficiency (in bed)
not shmecksy
no hose=no drink
Like for Part 2
Harrison is oddballs