When the facade of an Asian-American peels off and they’re exposed for being whitewashed race-traitors that live to serve the White Man.
That filthy Rotten Banana is mocking his heritage to make his westerner friends laugh!
a banana that has been boiled for 20 minutes in a microwave (warning: do not try, just a joke)
man, i sure love to drink liquid banana
When two men place their penises upon the parasagital lines of the top of an other's head.
Those guys are giving Andrew a double banana.
When a banana is wedged into a females anus, and then peeled and eaten by another female.
Bob: How was prom last nigh, Zeke?
Zeke: It was okay, there were a lot crazy people there...
Bob: I heard Samantha gave Mary a greasy banana.
1. To be entirely out of funds; even to the point that some might argue that it's insane how out of funds you are.
2. To not only be out of funds, but to know that your next incoming paycheck will be entirely dedicated to bills.
Person 1: Wanna catch a movie?
Person 2: Nah, man. I'm broke as a joke.
Person 1: It's cool, I'll cover you and you can pay me back next time.
Person 2: Appreciate it, but I can't. I'm two months behind on rent as well. I'm broke as bananas.
“Kevin’s got a case of banana shoulder” “ oh, yeah I know he has been having joyful paranoia all morning due to the fact he could get a rim job any second”
2 dudes deep throating each other at the same time in the 69 position.
Guy #1: What are you doing this weekend?
Chuck: Staying most of weekend in CLE with Rich
Guy #1: Are you guys gonna get a hotel? And make a video together?
Chuck: Yup. Eating Bananas